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is a prophetic community of Christ-followers, that seeks to unify the Body of Christ for the express purpose of proclaiming The Gospel of The Kingdom. We submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, serve in the local church, and passionately pursue lost and broken people, in order to introduce them to Jesus Christ, the loving God of Restoration.

Ways To Connect


Join us every Monday for the Unstoppable Prayer Call 2025


5:50am PST, 7:50am CT, 8:50am EST


Register below to receive Zoom link



Kingdom Come Podcast

Start each day with us in prayer by listening and subscribing to Kingdom Come, our weekly prayer devotional. Listen and subscribe on Spotify, or download our IVTHEKINGDOM app on your mobile device.  We look forward to connecting with you all in the weeks and days to come.  

Learning Labs 

Learning Labs are spaces designed for our community to come together and grow through times of prophetic teaching, impartation, and activation.  Labs will be hosted by the IVTHEKINGDOM team and will include guest teachers, prophets and pastors from across the country.  To register for our next lab, follow the link below

The Gathering

Need to connect? Need to worship? Need a space to receive refreshing? Come to The Gathering! We will invade unconventional spaces, within our communities, in order to start spiritual fires, and manifest the reality of the Kingdom, for those who are seeking authentic Spirit-led God Encounters. Community, food, worship, and Jesus will always be our staple. Stay connected to find out when and where we will gather next.


Citizen Groups

Citizen Groups are small groups hosted by YOU! This is a space for you and your friends to grow in relationship with God, fan the flame of your passion and God purpose, and strategically move in prophetic evangelism in your community and sphere of influence. Citizen Groups are on a mission to influence the world and take territory IVTHEKINGDOM. Our Ministry will provide curriculum and support to leaders and groups! 

Kingdom Come Community Prayer 

This is a time for us to come together, pray in unity for each other, our community and for the Kingdom of Heaven to touch Earth.  We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 6:00 am (Pacific), via Zoom.  Our IVTK Community will receive notification emails with the date, zoom link and prayer points. Share with your friends and family, all are welcome to join us in prayer. 


Join Our Community 

Become a part of the IVTK Community to be encouraged,  strengthened and challenged in your God assignment. You've been called to the Kingdom for SUCH A TIME AS THIS, so move with intention and grow in your prophetic purpose in community. Subscribe now to stay a breast of our Learning Labs, Gatherings, Podcasts, and other events that we will be hosting throughout the year. 
Download the IVTHEKINGDOM App! Available in your app store.
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Our Team

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Adriano and Dawn Costa 


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Teela Ross 


Ryan Robinson

We are looking for passionate, Jesus lovers who are willing to build with us. Bring your vision, gifts, and talents to the table, and watch God use them for his Glory!
Strike Team
Every vision requires provision.  Prayerfully consider partnering with us to accomplishment all that God has placed in our hearts by contributing a one time or recurring donation.  All gifts are tax deductible.  But most importantly please be in prayer for the cause of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Support The Cause

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Contact Us

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